What is soulmate mean?
Is it your Mr.Right or Ms.Right?
Or someone just pass by you and you didn't realize?
Beside you is it your soulmate or just a people that pass by your life? No one know how is the future..maybe now you feel very happy together with your boyfriend...but in future no one know do you still together with him or another people?
Some others couple together almost 7 years but when the time they are married is another person that only know each other 1 year..feel really weird right? But its really happens in the real life..how can a 7 years to compare a 1 year? Maybe that is what soulmate mean..mean that a long relationship in the future not really will still maintain like now..but not all the relationship will be same like that..so we have to appreciate what we having now and feel satisfied with your love one...even there is already pass or having now,we also have to be happy to receive what our love one done for us..because we don't know after today tomorrow will become how..

I never regret what I'm having now in my relationship eventhough both of us always argue or done somethings that make each other angry..I hope I'm choosing the right people and also my soulmate...and I don't wish that case will happen between our relationship..