Today feels so tired and sleepy,I lye on the bed till 8.30am only I woke up to prepare myself to work. Because yesterday I went to bed on 12am something so make me so sleepy and tired...
Yesterday night me and Ken went to Steven's birthday party,not really as big as Macy's birthday party but most of that is my old schoolmates...
Of course we separate few groups like when we in secondary school that time,because some of them not really like each other..and I sat with Macy,Sara and Suki they all,we chat about our jobs,handbags and etc...
I got little bit envy Macy and Sara because they can chat and always hang out with some of my old schoolmates easily,because I'm a very quiet person and not really good in communication plus I seldom hang out with them because my family...usually they hang out till very late and sometimes we can't match our time,I wish I got my freedom like them..
I already 20 years old I don't understand why my dad still controlling me so strict. When only he will give me my freedom? 21? 23? 25?
heard a lil bird told me that the most probable time would be when ur 21...LAWL!
i hope so...
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