Monday, April 5, 2010

How to apply perfume?

If u don't want to be like the woman we passed by the street and she was wearing so much perfume that you had to stop and take a few deep breaths before continue on, you should learn this and use the perfume well. Here are some basic tips to follow when applying perfume.
  • Whether is a spray or lotion type, aaply your perfume before you put on your clothes and jewelry. Some fragrances will leave permanent stains on fabrics, metal or pearl.
  • Apply perfume light to the body's pulse points wrist, base of the throat, behind the ear lobes, the bend in your elbow, and between the breast.
  • We all know that our body heat rises, so apply perfume on the back of your knee to leave a lasting impression.
  • Only apply fragrance to your hair if it is freshly washed. If not, the natural oil in your hair will change the scent of the perfume. To do so, spray your hair once or twice from a distance of at least 8 inches. Another option is to spray some of the perfume in your hands and then disperse it through your hair. Do not spray your hairbrush or comb; this will leave the scent attached to it and affect any other scents your spray into your hair. Not recommend for everyday because it will make your hair dry.
  • Do not dab or rub your wrists together when u applying perfume it will breaks the smell and the molecules of the perfume.
  • If you are a perfume freak like me, I’m happy when it fades because I can apply a different perfume. But make sure that the first application has disappeared from your skin. If you interrupt and complicate this progress by reapplying scent, you won’t smell the full story of the perfume.
  • Some people like to spray the perfume in the air and walk through the air, for myself I not really like that because I feel it is wasted. Because through the air the perfume wont leave on your skin much.
So are you using the right way to apply your perfume? Try this if you don't. ^^

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